Non-Accredited Home-Study Courses


—————————— GET YOUR Unaccredited Certificate Classes HERE!

Here are FREE Lessons for our self-directed or teacher guided classes. You will receive a Certificate of Completion for the COURSE in which these LESSONS are included. Simply email/mail the correct answers and we will send you a certificate of completion!
Get your sample study lessons here…

Respectable Worldliness Moral Issues Facing the Church

“Obscenity” – Moral Issues Facing the Church

The Evidence Bible Institute

The Evidence Bible Institute

Officially established in 2010 by Pastor Gary L. Cordon, Sr….



The Evidence Bible Institute non-accredited COURSES consists of studies in the Old Testament and New Testament books, Bible truths and doctrines, leadership and church development, and basic to in-depth ministry tools.

Every member and partner automatically becomes a part of this dynamic school for personal and ministry training.

*** However, you can complete these studies on your own or without being a member of The Evidence Church/Victory Temple Church of God in Christ.

You can purchase the studies as follows:
The Bible (both Old and New Testament) on CD ………………….. $200.00
Old Testament studies on CD ………………………………………….. $150.00
New Testament on CD …………………………………………………… $150.00


The Bible (both Old and New Testament) printed and CD ………………… $300.00 (without binder)
Old Testament studies printed and CD ……………………………………….. $250.00 (without binder)
New Testament printed and CD ………………………………………………… $200.00 (without binder)

The printed versions contains everything on the CD. You will get a powerful non-accredited education in the understanding and knowledge of the Word of God. You can also join the Wednesday study sessions, a life-changing experience in both the study and the experience of the Word as presented by Pastor Gary . Cordon, Sr.

You will get certificates of completion after each study module and a graduation diploma when all courses are completed!

The Evidence Bible Institute also presents special courses of study, special seminar sessions and special training throughout the year! Plug into these sessions now by registering today. Be notified of events as they happen.

Go to The Evidence Bible Institute Facebook page and “LIKE”.
Email and indicate that you want to be notified of upcoming events.

Also, include how you would like to be notified – email, letter, text, facebook, etc.


Enroll in our accredited courses and get your degree in Theology – Certificate, Associates, Bachelors, Masters, Doctors.

For more information, click here.


Posted in Classes, The Evidence Bible Instirute