Non-Accredited Classes at TEBI


—————————— GET YOUR Unaccredited Certificate Classes HERE!

The Evidence Bible Institute

The Evidence Bible Institute

Officially established in 2010 by Pastor Gary L. Cordon, Sr….

Register now for non-accredited studies ($300.00 for the Semester) at The Evidence Bible Institute. Classes will start on January 6, 2015 from 6-9:00 PM. The non-accredited class will run concurrently with the accredited classes (Tuesday and Thursday 6:00-9:00 PM) and will last the entire semester. Class attendance and requirements will be similar, but there will be no credits issued for successful completion of the classes. Drs. Gary and Chris Cordon will issue a beautiful Certificate of Completion from the Evidence Bible Institute at the completion of the semester.

You will need your books and class fees paid before attending class. Start the process now. You will need to follow these steps:

1. send an email to and indicate your desire to attend. We will reply with the application needed for registration to attend classes.

2. Complete application in email and return. Payments options will be included.

3. Purchase the required books

4. arrive 30 minutes early if you are planning to register or pay fees before attending class.



Want to study at home on your own time? Are you self-motivated? Do you have the discipline and initiative to study at your own pace? If so, you can get non-accredited home study courses in the Old and New Testament King James Version Bible! Click HERE!

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