The Evidence Bible Institute Information Brochure

Dear Prospective Student,


Choosing a college is one of the most important decisions one is called upon to make in a lifetime. Each person has ideas, goals, and purposes; it is the aim of True Standard Christian Bible College to help you attain those objectives through a challenging program of study.


True Standard Christian Bible College is dedicated to the task of educating men and women for the high calling of Christian service. Its primary purpose is to train the student for ministry, but it also prepares young people for various kinds of Christian work and provides a good foundation for a successful life.


The spiritual atmosphere in the School makes learning enjoyable. The program of education is designed to make better    Christians out of its students while training the mind.


The policy of the staff is to guide the student to a discovery of the whole truth. Therefore, the main textbook is the Bible.


After you have studied the information in this brochure and have prayerfully sought the will of God, if your decision is to attend True Standard Christian Bible College or one of its affiliate, we extend to you a cordial welcome to our family.


President, Dr. Charles Dingle 





“College” is a word used to designate an institution offering courses of study above the high school level. Most colleges are liberal arts colleges because they teach in the field of liberal arts; languages, philosophy, science, history, and etc.


A Bible College is a specialized school. In the Bible College, God and His Word are the very center of its activities. Its academic content shows that the Word of God has a vital part in the institution. The Bible is the main textbook in the Bible College and a standard of conduct must be maintained, which is consistent with the Christian profession.


Another distinction between a Bible College and other colleges is that the Bible College does not offer a wide variety of majors and minors that many secular colleges offer. Even though one will receive a certain number of semester hours of instructions in liberal arts courses, none of these general education courses could be expanded to become a major or minor at this level.


The Bible College requires the same high scholastic standards as other colleges.


If the Lord is leading you into full-time Christian service, there is no place where you will be able to prepare better for this service than in a college that specializes in educating and training people for the Lord’s work.




True Standard Christian Bible College

Affiliate Schools


Wilmington College of Theology

Dean …………………Dr. Lorraine Cooper

 403 Meares Street

Wilmington, N. C. 28401

Phone (910) 431-7714           


Inspiration House of Praise Bible College

Dean …………………….Dr. Howard Harris

9871 Wayne Drive

Leland, N. C. 28451

Phone (910) 392-7291


The Evidence Bible Institute

Dean ……………….Dr. Gary L. Cordon, Sr. 

116 Country Club Road

Windsor, N.C. 27983

Phone (252) 325-9699


Corporate Office & School  

True Standard Christian Bible College

Dean …………………….Dr. Charles Dingle

1716 W. 5th Street

PO Box 531

Greenville, N. C. 23735-0531

Phone (252) 822-2959



The information and instruction in this booklet not only serves the Corporate School, but also the affiliate schools listed above.

If the school is located too far from your location, you can still aspire for a degree. We invite you to apply through the Corporate School, enroll, and take your studies through correspondence in the privacy of your home.



   *** ALL ARE WELCOME ***

Ministers, Evangelists, Pastors, Sunday School Superintendents, Teachers, Missionaries, Christian Workers and the Laity are accepted.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The School is open to men and women without regard to denominational affiliation, without regard to gender and without regard to race or color. All are welcome!




1716 West 5th Street

Greenville, North Carolina.

Phone (252) 822-2959

**OFFICE HOURS **                            


Office hours are from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. If you desire a specific hour, you may call the affiliate office and make an appointment.



Regular classes are held on

Tuesdays 6:00 to 9:00 pm and

Thursdays, 600: to 9:30 pm


We also have special classes and training, please feel free to inquire.





 The Spring Semester begins in January and ends in May. The Fall Semester begins in August and ends December.

(Two semesters equal one year)

** A Distinct Facility **

The Evidence Bible Institute is a Bible school, a distinct facility for training missionaries, evangelists, ministers, pastors, and Christian workers for a lifetime of Christian service.


The central purpose of The Evidence Bible Institute is to prepare students adequately for leadership through the church, for those who are called to various facets of ministry, who intend to devote their lives to the spreading of the Gospel.


The purpose of The Evidence Bible Institute is to lead its students to an understanding of the basic doctrines of the Christian Faith and a conviction of their validity for the total life of modern man.


It is the purpose of the College to give an education that is Christian, in the larger and deeper sense, so that all class work, and all the student’s intellectual and academic activities shall be permeated with the Spirit and Biblical teaching.


The purpose of the College is to develop in each student a strong, energetic, conscientious Christian decision to surrender their lives and talent to the service of God and humanity.


Further, the College has been established to develop in each student the spirit of missions and to give training in methods and programs sufficient to meet those needs, both at home and in foreign lands.



 All students must by their signature state their willingness to help maintain the moral and scholastic standards of the school.


1. Salvation. Since the College is a distinctively Christian Bible College, it is necessary for all candidates to have had a genuine Christian experience.


2. High School Diploma.  If you have earned a diploma from an accredited high school or have the equivalent of a high school education, you are qualified in this respect to pursue studies at Wilmington College Of Theology one of the affiliate schools or through correspondence studies at the Corporate School.


If you did not graduate from High School, please contact the Corporate Office at (252) 822-2959


“We may be able to help you.”




Each year a number of persons who have not completed their high school education and who have a strong desire to prepare for a particular ministry to which God has called them, may be permitted to enroll for a two-year Associate Degree program. However, they will not be eligible for a Bachelor’s Degree until such time as they give evidence of having completed their high school studies.  Ministers, evangelists, Sunday School superintendents and teachers, as well as other Christian workers and laypersons are all eligible to apply. The school is open to men and women without regard to denominational affiliation.






Any person seeking enrollment in Wilmington College Of Theology located in Wilmington, N. C. or one of the affiliate schools, located in Leland, N. C., or Windsor, N. C., or the Corporate School in Greenville, N. C. or if you are seeking enrollment through correspondence studies You must submit a $15.00 check or money order to purchase a copy of the Student Catalog. The application form is attached to the catalog.



Please submit to:

True Standard Christian Bible College,

PO Box 531

Greenville  N.C. 27835-0531



Catalog may also be purchased at one of the affiliate schools, if the supply is available.


The Student Catalog informs the prospective student of:

(1) Copy of Application Form

(2) Requirements

(3) Rules

(4) Classes

(5) Tuition

(6) Graduation

(7) Preamble

(8) Purpose & Mission

(9) History of College

(10) Affiliation & Accreditation

(11) What is a Bible College                                           


(and much more)                                                          


True Standard Christian Bible College and Affiliates are now receiving applications.

Registration/Classes for the Spring semester starts in January.

Registration/Classes for the Fall Semester starts in August.

“We are looking forward to serving you.”                                                                                                


The design and content of this Booklet is

Copy-right by

True Standard Christian Bible College, Inc.


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